Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Well, it ain't pretty, but it's here.

This blog is mostly intended as a way to interact with real blogs, such as those listed in yonder sidebar. I don't expect to have much original content here; but as much as I like the sight of my own words in print, who knows.

To give a little background and point-of-view: I was born, raised, and have lived most of my life in Huntsville, Alabama, the "Rocket City". Since I'm interested in talking religion here, I should probably let it be known that I was raised Baptist, and then fell away into something between agnosticism and liberal Protestantism. Arguably I'm still there, but in recent years (and coincident with the birth of my first child), I have been drawn to more-- what?-- authoritarian worldviews such as Calvinism and, lately, Catholicism.

"Drawn" though I might be, I don't do a lot about it, other than have (and lose) occasional arguments with my (thoroughly agnostic, thoroughly liberal) wife, and then shut up and go back to reading theology books for a while. I don't like to be a pain the neck. So for the time being I'm sitting on the sidelines, and maybe from now on. But I want to learn more about the Church, and I pray for more light, and I hope that maybe by interacting (however anonymously) with the larger Catholic world I can figure out how to move forward.

Thanks, and here goes.

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